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NABHOOD- Support. Shop. Earn

NABHood is an app that brings local businesses and local customers together to help communities recover from COVID-19. It provides businesses a marketing platform they would otherwise have no access to.
The marketplace is the center of the app with businesses of the month, events, and news posts as well as an integrated cashback scheme. This cashback scheme will help to increase the revenue for businesses, saves money for individuals make them feel good about being part of the community supporting local businesses. it will keep current customers and attract new customers to NAB also generating valuable customers behavior data that allows NAB to improve services and find opportunities for new products, identify threads and tackle them on time.

Designers: Jennifer Knoch, Sahabeh Tehrani, Shimroth Thomas, and Vincent Chun


Made as part of the Master of Design Innovation and Technology program under the School of Business of RMIT University.

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